5% Commitment
As a champion of enterprise and startups, particularly within education, we've committed to giving back 5% of our time, to coach, advise and support people who are developing their business ideas.
Having received support from the people around us throughout our journey, we're keen to ensure others have the benefit of a sounding board, of someone to champion their entrepreneurial spirit.
We're proud to offer free 30 minute coaching sessions as part of our programme to give back 5% of our time, with this primarily focused on supporting non-for-profit activities as well as student startup and enterprise activities.
The Leapinto Project
Leapinto is co-created project with Karl Swanepoel and the team at Revolancer. Leapinto provides a platform of pop up events and workshops both online and in person, stimulating the conversation of the wold of work with young people.
Sessions are designed to provide an opportunity for those in industry to share real world work experiences with ambitious individuals embarking on their career. An opportunity to move past the smoke and mirrors surrounding employment and startup, giving a 'warts-and-all' view of the world of work.